
We partner with our Member States and donors to deliver on our mission to advance democracy worldwide.

How we are funded

Contributions from donors are vital to support our mission. Contributions are classified as Unrestricted (or core) funding and Restricted (or project) funding.

Core funding supports programming for our institutional priorities, and project funding supports specific activities mutually agreed upon between us and the donor.

Total financing 2022
Core Financing
Project Financing
Financing by 2022 program
Global Program
Africa and Western Asia
Asia and the Pacific
Regional Europe
Latin America and the Caribbean
North America

Top core funders

se Sweden
Norway Norway
NL The Netherlands
ch Switzerland
fi Finland
de Germany
cl Chile
Brazil Brazil
India India
ee Estonia

Top project donors

se Sweden
ec European Commission
uk United Kingdom
de Germany
usa United States of America
Norway Norway
NL The Netherlands
fi Finland
Panama Panama
un United Nations

Work with us

Our funding and other types of contributions come from our Member States and other financial partners. Become our partner and learn more about how we can jointly undertake actions in Value for Partnership.


Contact us

Jessica Kehayes, Senior External Relations Officer
Jessica Kehayes - Senior External Relations Officer

Jessica Kehayes is the Senior External Relations Officer of International IDEA. Her work is focused on International IDEA’s global fundraising and partnership management.

Contact us
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