Explore The Global State of Democracy 2023 Report today!
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What we do

International IDEA is an intergovernmental organization (IGO) with a mandate to support sustainable democracy worldwide. 

Where we work

We work with local communities, democracy practitioners and partner organizations all over the world. We have a global reach with offices in 20 countries. Our headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden.

Activity & Reach
Member States
Active projects and programs
Support activities


About International IDEA

International IDEA was established as an international intergovernmental organization by 14 founding Members at a conference held in Stockholm on 27 February 1995. Since then, we have influenced the landscape of democracy and electoral processes across the world.

More about us


We produce and disseminate comparative knowledge, policy-relevant analysis, tools, communication products and data.

Capacity Building

Capacity Development

We provide high-quality capacity development and training on democracy-building and reform processes.



As an impartial and trusted democracy assistance provider, we facilitate dialogues on democratic reform. 



We protect and safeguard democracy when it is challenged by undemocratic and authoritarian forces.

Working with us

Our funding and other types of contributions come from our Member States and other financial partners. Become our partner and learn more about how we can jointly undertake actions in Value for Partnership.

Whistleblower network

We believe in the power of truth and transparency. This platform provides a safe space for individuals to speak out against wrongdoing. Your information will be handled with utmost confidentiality, ensuring your safety and security.

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